During the past half a century we have evolved from a small, local farm serving wholesale markets using local labour, to one of the largest fruit farms in the country, supplying a host of major supermarkets and employing people from all over the world.
About the farm
The farm has a stunning location in the hills overlooking the small town of Ledbury and the green rolling hills of Herefordshire. It is close to motorway links and to the towns of Hereford, Gloucester and Worcester.
Our biggest crop is strawberries which are packed at The Wye Fruit packhouse which is on the outskirts of Ledbury. Wye Fruit chills, packs, operates quality control, lids and labels products and operates 7 days a week for the major supermarkets across the UK.
Work with us
The work at Withers Farm is hard work, but at the same time really fun and rewarding. You will have the opportunity to work with people from other cultures and countries and we find a lot of our staff want to return each year.
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